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Bee Sting Swelling After 48 Hours: Here’s How To Reduce Swelling

Last Updated on September 8, 2024

Swelling after a bee sting is almost always expected.

You generally start to notice signs of swelling within 30 minutes of the sting.

Usually when we’re stung by honey bees, hornets, or wasps do we see swelling on our stung site which normally lasts for a few hours – most of us are already aware of that.

However if you have got a bee sting swelling after 48 hours, that could be the sign you should get out of your comfort zone and do something about it to help reduce swelling.

Here are some facts about the bee swelling and some things you can put into an action immediately.

Bee sting swelling after 48 hours: why and what to do to reduce swelling?

Bee sting swelling after 48 hours: why and what to do to reduce swelling?

If your bee stung site is swelling even after 48 hours, that could mean you haven’t taken proper precautions that should be followed right after the sting.

The first and foremost thing you should do after getting a sting is removing the stinger to reduce swelling as the longer the stinger remain in the body, the longer the swelling and other complications will persist which could even lead to life threating conditions.

Apart from that, applying any remedy or medications without getting rid of the stinger first will be completely useless because the venom will continue to  spread until the stinger is removed.

Assuming you have already ensured that and are convinced you did a great job of keeping the stung area protected and also practiced proper post sting care, then the only reasonable thing that makes the most sense to believe is that the sting was so powerful that it left a long-term swelling.

However, if you aren’t quite clear on how to remove a bee stinger from the attacked area, scroll down to learn how to do it.

Remember, before expecting to get rid of swelling, you first have to fully make sure there’s no stinger.

How to remove a bee stinger from the body?

a bee stick to food

Whatever you do, don’t use tweezers as they can squeeze the stinger which will then spread venom across your whole body.

What you should do instead is use your fingernails, a plastic card, a piece of gauze, or any straight-edged object and gently scrape off the stinger. Once done, slowly wash the sting area with soap and water.

If you are having difficulty locating the stinger then don’t hesitate using a magnifying glass or a torch to help you find it.

How can swelling be reduced 48 hours after a bee sting?

question mark

Swelling can be reduced using different natural remedies. If you have bee sting swelling after 48 hours, consider practicing these exercises.

Keep the bees away

Well first off all you have to protect yourself from further attacks specially the area you were stung on as more of it will cause even more problems.

Stay indoor and eat inside if you think there’s bees right outside. Also wear a loose and long sleeved dress.

Doing something as basic as these will protect you from further attacks.

Avoid tight clothes

You may wonder why we’re suggesting loose clothing. It’s because a swollen body part requires proper blood flow to heal quickly as restricted circulation can cause prolonged swelling (you’ve already been carrying for two days) delay recovery.

When you wear clothes that are rightly fitted, you’re restricting blood circulation which will further prolong your swelling so avoid wearing tight sweaters, jeans or shirts until the swelling is completely gone.

Don’t disturb the swollen area

If the stung area is swollen then it might itch right there as well but you have to fight the impulse of scratching or rubbing it as that will only add to more complications. Avoid doing these things and similar to help the area heal quickly.

Stay hydrated

You’re only stressing over because the swelling hasn’t gone in two days which is a valid concern but what about the lost fluid?

While getting stung by a bee doesn’t cause a great loss of fluid, the process of dealing with it can lead to dehydration in many indirect ways which is why it is advised to drink plenty of water after getting stung and while the area remains swollen so you can stay hydrated.

Elevate the area

Raising the swollen body part can help with better blood flow to the affected site which is specially beneficial if the swelling is on the arms or legs.

You can improve blood flow to the swollen area of your hand by doing fist and open.

If the swelling is on your leg, elevate it for at least 3 – 5 minutes.

If the swelling is in your neck keep your head elevated and use pillows to prop up your head and upper body while resting or sleeping. This will greatly improve the blood flow away from the affected area which will reduce swelling a lot faster.

Apply ice pack

Ice is a natural remedy to counter swelling after a bee sting. To use it, put some ice in a plastic bag and apply it to the area you were stung for about fifteen to twenty minutes.

Don’t apply ice for an extended period of time though as that can result in irritation or frostbite.

Use calamine lotion

It is effective in relieving itching, redness, and discomfort at the stung site.

Apply a little calamine lotion to the stung site using a cotton ball and wait until it dries.

Apply baking soda

Using baking soda over the stung site can help neutralize the venom. It is also an excellent remedy to reduce itching.

Take a small amount of baking soda and mix it with water to create a thick paste and then apply that mixture to the area you were stung. Let the paste stay there for at least 20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

There’s no problem using this remedy multiple times however if it irritates the skin, discontinue use.

Aloe Vera gel

Aloe vera gel is highly effective in smoothening the skin and healing the stung site.

Before you apply the gel, wash the stung site with mild soap water and let it dry completely.

Next, using your fingertip, apply the gel directly to the affected area.

The gel naturally absorbs into the skin where it is applied, so there’s no need to wash it off.

Repeat this remedy 2 – 3 times daily, as it is safe and best for comforting the stung site.

Note: Fresh aloe vera gel is always recommended. But if you can’t get that and thinking about using a product-based gel, then make sure it is free of fragrances and dyes.

Take pain relievers

Over-the-counter pain relievers can reducing pain and inflammation. Ibuprofen is one such option. Check the dosage instructions on the pack before you consume it.

Visit the doctor

Generally, bee stings leave mild symptoms which normally go away after a few hours of the sting. However, monitoring your health condition after any bee sting is always recommended.

If you are suffering from severe pain in the stung site, difficulty breathing, high heartbeat, or signs of anaphylaxis, you must reach out to a doctor on an emergency basis.

What leads swelling to increase further?

Swelling can great complications and can even grow further due to several factors:


Sometimes, people do not take enough or right care of the swelling after a bee sting, contributing to more swelling.

Wrong treatment

Applying appropriate treatments to the swollen area can further worsen the swelling. Only use verified and tested solutions.


Stung sites can get infected if not treated on time which will increase the swelling even more.

Additional stings

Multiple stings to the same area will give you great pain to endure and further increase the swelling.


Giving any pointed touches, such as from nails, can disturb swollen areas, resulting in more swelling.


Most people press the swollen area, thinking it will heal the site. However, applying unwanted pressure to the affected area will also increase the swelling instead of healing it.

High temperature

Heat can increase blood circulation to the stung site and worsen swelling.

Is it good to massage a bee stung site?

It is advised not to massage the stung site as it may irritate the swollen area. It is preferable to keep the sting area free from unwanted interference. Instead of massaging, apply a cold compress.

What are the symptoms of swelling after a bee sting?

Swelling is a normal reaction on the area of the body that stung by the bee. It usually shows redness, itchiness, and tightness in a that attacked area and you may feel air being blown inside the skin, like a balloon.

How long after a bee sting does swelling goes away?

Generally, swelling subsides after a few hours of a bee sting. However, if the stinger is not removed earlier, it may last 24 – 48 hours – sometimes even longer.

You should continuously make efforts to treat and heal it quickly so things can get back to normal.

How long after a bee sting does an allergic reaction occur

Allergic reactions usually show up within 30 minutes after a bee sting and the symptoms may include pain, swelling, redness, and itchiness.

When to worry about swelling after a bee sting?

Swelling can be problematic if it causes severe irritation. You must be attentive if the stung site becomes more problematic over time and visit a doctor for a proper treatment.

Can a swelling after a bee sting last for months?

Most people with not-too-aggressive bee stings have been found to get a complete cure after a few hours or a maximum of two days. The swelling usually lasts longer when proper treatment is not given.

If you have been experiencing swelling for months, which is rare, you need an urgent medical checkup to cure it soon.

Is swelling after a bee sting dangerous?

A bee sting leaves several problems on the site, such as pain, itchiness, numbness, and swelling. All these signs are pretty normal and can be cured within a few hours.

Can the swelling of a bee sting go away itself?

It is never recommended to ignore any complications after a bee sting.

Even if you are stung by less harmful bees, such as sweat bees, it is always advised to remove the stinger and follow after-sting precautions to be safe from any possible harm.

Is swelling of a bee sting contagious?

No, a bee sting does not spread from person to person, nor do any complications it brings.

Can a swelling after a bee sting spread to other parts?

If left untreated, swelling can extend to the surrounding areas and then you may feel as if the area is inflated like a balloon.

Do all bee stings cause swelling?

It is fairly common for particular body parts to result in swelling after any kind of bee sting.

Even less harmful bees such as sweat bee can leave swelling in body parts if they sting you.

Can you shower after a bee sting?

Yes, it is safe to bathe after a bee sting.

Just be attentive and do not squeeze, pinch, or scratch the stung site.

The Bottom Line

There are bunch of complications that a bee sting may bring with it and one of them is swelling.

While having bee sting swelling after 48 hours is not that common, it is not a major concern either and can be managed with proper care.

Proper treatment at home or from a medical expert matters for swelling after a bee sting and if you succeed, there’s almost no chance you will suffer from any other complications later on.

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