The Buzz on Beekeeping Exploring Honeybees and Pollination

Bee Sting Still Itches Months Later? Here’s What To Do!

Usually, the discomfort from a bee sting lasts for about a week. After the sting, issues such as pain, swelling, and itching at the site typically subside with proper care.

However, in some rare cases, the healing duration may go unexpectedly longer. I.e., a bee sting may itch for several weeks.

So then!

Were you also stung by a bee?

Bee sting still itches months later?

If you are one of those victims who wonders why a bee bite still stings a month later, you are not alone.

This blog post will go into why itching can last so long at times and how to deal with it.

Bee Sting Still Itches Months Later? Here’s how to deal with it!

A person itching after a bee sting.

It all depends on the kind of bee you were stung by, as each bee reacts slightly differently to your body than any other bee.

Usually, a sting from the honey bee is considered to be the most dangerous as it’s excruciating and takes longer to heal than any other bee.

And if you ignore it, then the itchiness last longer than usual.

What to do if the bee sting still itches months later?

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Are you still itching from a bee sting? Not a problem! Here are some simple things you may do to make the itchiness go away faster and help you feel better.

See a doctor

Home-based natural remedies are helpful only in the starting days.

Traditional tips cannot be used to treat an old sting. If you don’t get it checked with a medical expert, you will not receive proper relief and that way your problems will keep worsening.

So, if the pain, swelling, and itching last for over a month, it’s essential that you visit the medical expert as soon as possible now and get it checked.

Protect the sting site

If the sting site is still itching after a month, then it is essential for you than ever to protect it from other possible bee attacks.

Getting another sting on the same area is absolutely possible. It may result in more pain, and it could even be life-threatening to you.

Cover the skin

Cover your arm with a full-sleeved shirt if you were bitten on the arm.

Whereas if it is your hands, you can use light gloves to prevent bee sting from injecting into your skin.

You only have to do that until the itchiness and other complications are relieved.

Stay indoors

Bees are usually active in the daytime, and you may get a sting outside in an uncovered area.

That’s why preventing outdoor sitting is a good idea if bees are in mass.

As a side note, bees are attracted to the trashcan, swimming pool, flowers, or outdoor meal parties.

Keep the area clean

Clean environments are less likely to attract the bees. Keep your kitchen, dining area, TV lounge, and living room clean.

If you drop even a few sprays of your food, you may attract bees to where you’re sitting.

Can an itchiness after a bee sting last forever?

Something like this almost never happens.

Itching typically lasts between 1 and 2 days. Its maximum duration is one week. In extreme situations, it may extend to a month.

However, experiencing irritation continuously is something that will never happen. If you’ve been itching for more than a month, it could be due to something more than a bee sting.

Discussing the issue with the medical expert is the best and most wisest option in such cases.

Sting site releasing blood after itching – what to do?

If you rub or itch the sting site repeatedly, you may cause that area to start bleeding.

So, if that’s something you are doing, immediately stop interfering with the sting site and apply pressure using a piece of cloth.

In case you still bleed after 10 minutes, seek medical help.

Can bee stings make your whole body itch?

Complications of venomous bee stings might be moderate or severe.

In most cases, the reaction is experienced around the sting site.

However, in severe cases, you may also experience reactions in other parts of the body.

What are some other complications caused by a bee sting?

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Besides the lasting itchiness, getting stung by a bee can also lead to other problems. Here are some other issues you might face after a bee sting.

Serum sickness

This allergic reaction occurs a few days or weeks after the sting. The signs include swelling, fever, rash, and joint pain.


Bee stings can open the door for bacteria, which can cause infection. Symptoms of the disease include swelling, redness, warmth, and possibly pus at the sting site.

Allergic reaction

A bee sting can cause symptoms like swelling, hives, difficulty breathing, and possibly anaphylaxis.

Anaphylaxis is a potentially harmful health condition that demands urgent medical attention.

The symptoms of anaphylaxis include swollen eyes, lightheadedness, abdominal pain, itchy skin, and wheezing.

The bottom line

Itchiness is common after a bee sting. But it should last for a maximum of a few days. If you have been itching for more than a month, seeking medical attention is the most ideal and best thing you can do.

Apart from that, you should also take proper care of the itching area, i.e., protecting it from bees from further attacks or scratching it by mistake.

All in all, you should take the complications seriously if they are still after a month. Whether you are experiencing pain, swelling, or itchiness, it is highly recommended that you don’t ignore them and find the best cure against them.

Last Updated on November 22, 2023

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